The inner corridors

The inner corridors

Pathways that allowed for the movement of spectators and were crucial for crowd control.

The inner corridors of the Colosseum, also known as the «vomitoria,» are the complex network of passageways and arches that lie beneath and around the arena. These corridors were ingeniously designed to facilitate the movement of thousands of spectators in and out of the amphitheater quickly and efficiently. They also served as essential pathways for gladiators, animals, and stagehands who prepared for the grand spectacles above. Walking through these dimly lit, ancient passageways gives visitors a sense of the Colosseum’s architectural brilliance and the behind-the-scenes operations that made Rome’s grand spectacles possible. Today, exploring the inner corridors offers a unique glimpse into the inner workings of this iconic monument, revealing the secrets and stories hidden within its walls.

Cómo llegar

Colosseo, Piazza del Colosseo, Rome, Metropolitan City of Rome Capital, Italy
